Call - (801) 758-7604
Stavros Law P.C. is a Utah law firm providing legal services to individuals and businesses in Utah, the Mountain West and across the United States, including Salt Lake City, Draper, Sandy, South Jordan, West Jordan, Lehi, Provo, Orem and Spanish Fork. Our lawyers provide civil litigation, trial and appeal work to clients in federal and state courts throughout the United States. We provide litigation and counseling services for clients in the areas of business and commercial law, employment and labor law, health care law and family law.
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Enforcement & Modification of Orders and Decrees
At Stavros Law, our attorneys work hard to ensure our clients are receiving the court-ordered financial support and parent time and other rights to which they are entitled. Sometimes it is necessary to enforce our clients' rights in court. If you need an attorney to help you with enforcement of an order or decree, please call (801) 758-7604 for a free initial telephone consultation, or contact us online.
When an individual does not follow court-ordered obligations, he or she may be in contempt of court. We can assist you with enforcement of the following orders:
Spousal support/alimony
Child support
Visitation/parent time
If you are not receiving court-ordered child support, spousal support or visitation, our lawyers can enforce the order by reporting it to the court. You can also file contempt charges if the other parent is not meeting the requirements of any part of the parenting plan, including failure to visit the child, bringing the child home late and failure to maintain health insurance coverage.
Individuals found to be in contempt of court may be subject to fines, professional license suspension, driver's license revocation or jail time. If failure to pay spousal or child support is the issue, wage garnishment may also be a possibility.
After a divorce, one person may experience a job loss or a significant change in income that renders the spousal support order insufficient. Additionally, as children grow and parents move forward with their lives, the needs of the family may no longer be met by the original custody or child support orders.
Stavros Law, P.C., can assist you with modifications to court orders, whether you are the party seeking or contesting the change. Our family law attorneys can represent you during the process and ensure that your rights are protected.
In Utah, you are allowed to modify spousal support/alimony orders, child custody and child support orders, and visitation/parent time orders. The property and asset division, however, is considered final and may not be changed.
To modify a court order, at least one of the parties must have a significant and material change in circumstances. Depending on the type of order you seek to modify, this may include issues such as:
A job loss or other significant financial change
The changing needs of a child
A parent or child whose health has declined
The death of a parent
A parent becoming unfit or unable to care for a child
When court orders involving custody, parent time or child support are modified, the best interests of the children are used in the determination of the modification. If spousal support was part of a prenuptial agreement, modification may not be possible.
For more information about modifying your court order or decree, or seeking to enforce provisions ordered by the Court, call (801) 758-7604 for your free initial telephone consultation and ask to speak with one of our family law attorneys, or contact us online.